Thursday, July 8, 2010

Full Forms of Banks

IDBI - Industrial Developement Bank of India.

PNB - Punjab National Bank.

SBI - State Bank of India, State Bank of Indore.

HDFC - Housing Developmenmt Finance Corporation Limited.

UCO - United COmmercial Bank.

ICICI - Industrial Credit and Investment Corporation of India.

HSBC - Hongkong and Shangai Banking Corporation.

IOB - Indian Overseas Bank.

SCB - Standard Chartered Bank.

SBM - State Bank of Mauritius.

OIB - Oman International Bank.

MCB - Mizuho Corporate Bank.

IOIB - Indian Ocean International Bank.

BoB - Bank Of Baroda.

OBC - Oriental Bank of Commerce.

UBI - United Bank of America.

SBBJ - State Bank Of Bikaner and Jaipur.

SBT - State Bank Of Travancore.

SBP - State Bank of Patiala.

SBH - State Bank of Hyderabad.

SBM - State Bank of Mysore.

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