Monday, July 19, 2010

Some Technical Full Forms.

VS:-Visual Studio.
HP:-Hewlett Packcard.
XP:-Extrme Programing.
CE:-Civil Engineering.
CTB:-Computer Based Traning
CLR:-Common Language Runtime.
ADO:-Active Data Object.
VCF:-Visual C# Express.
CFM:-Common Fusion Foundation
ASP:-Active Server Pages.
SQL:-Structured Query Language.
XML:-Extensibal Markup Language.
SCM:- Software Configration Management.
VSS:- Visual Source Safe.
TFS:- TEAM Foundation Server.
SVN:- Subversion.
CVS:-Concurrent Version System.
CTS:-Common Type System.
RCS:-Revision Control System.
TFC:-Team Foundation Client.
SSL:-Source Socket Layer.
ISP:-Internet Server Providers.
AMD:-Advanced Micro-Device.
WAP:-Wireless Application Protocol.
SAP:-System Analysis And Programe Develoment.
PDA:-Personal Digital Assistent.
DNS:-Domain Name Server.
PPP:-Point-To-Point Protocol.
SDK:-Software Development Kit.
SAD:-System Analysis & Design.
FAT32:-File Allocation Table.
NTFS:-New Technology File System.
MMS:-Multimedia Masseging Service.
HCL:-Hindustan Computer Limited
WSDL:-Web Service description Language.
 MISL:-Microsoft Intermediate Language.
HTTP:-Hyper Text Transfer Protocol.
HTML:-Hyper Text Markup Language..
HTTPs:-Hyper Text Transfer Protocol. Over SSL.
YAHOO:-Yet another Hierarchical Officious Oracle.
VIRUS:- Vital Information Resource.
INTEL:-Integrated Electronic Chip.
INSAT – Indian National Satellite.
JSP – Java Server Pages.
JPEG – Joint Photographic Expert Group.
LAN – Local Area Network.
LCD – Liquid Crystal Display.
LED – Light Emitting Diode.
MAN – Metropolitan Area Network.
SAN – Social Area Network.
MAR – Memory Address Register.
MBR – Memory Buffer Register.
MFT – Multiprogramming with Fixed Tasks.
MIDI – Musical Instrument Digital Interface.
MSDOS – MicroSoft Disk Operating System.
MSI – Medium Scale Integration.
MVT – Multiprogramming with Variable Tasks.
NIC – Network Interface Card.
NICNET – National Informatics Centre NETwork.
NOS – Network Operating System.
NTSC – National Television Standards Committee.
GPL – Graphical Public Licence.
GUI – Graphical User Interface.
HTTP – Hyper Text Transfer Protocol.
HTML – Hyper Text Mark up Language.
IBM – International Business Machine.
IDN – Integrated Digital Networks.
IEEE – Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.
ISDN – Integrated Services Digital Network.
ISO – International Standard Organization.
OSI – Open System Interface.
ISP – Internet Service Provider.
AMD – Advanced Micro Device.
ARPANET – Advanced Research Project Agency NETwork.
ATM – Automatic Teller Machine.
CAD – Computer Aided Designer.
CRT – Cathode Ray Tube.
CU – Control Unit.
DAT – Digital Audio Tape.
DBMS – DataBase Management Systm.
FAT – File Allocation System.
FM – Frequency Modulation.
PAL - Phase Alternation line.
PCB - Process Control Block.
PDA - Personal Digital Assistant.
PDF - Portable Document Format.
POS - Point Of Scale.
PPM - Pages Per Minute, Parts Per Million.
PVC - Poly Vinyl Chloride.
SD - Secure Digital.
UDP - User Datagram Protocol.
UDT - User Data Type.
UPC - Universal Product Code.
CMOS - Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor.
UPS - Uninterrupted Power Supply.
URL - Uniform Resource Locator.
UTP - Unshielded Twisted Pair.
VAN - Value Added Network.
VCR - Video Cassette Recorder.
VOIP - Voice Over Internet Protocol.
WAP - Wireless Application Protocol.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Full Forms of Banks

IDBI - Industrial Developement Bank of India.

PNB - Punjab National Bank.

SBI - State Bank of India, State Bank of Indore.

HDFC - Housing Developmenmt Finance Corporation Limited.

UCO - United COmmercial Bank.

ICICI - Industrial Credit and Investment Corporation of India.

HSBC - Hongkong and Shangai Banking Corporation.

IOB - Indian Overseas Bank.

SCB - Standard Chartered Bank.

SBM - State Bank of Mauritius.

OIB - Oman International Bank.

MCB - Mizuho Corporate Bank.

IOIB - Indian Ocean International Bank.

BoB - Bank Of Baroda.

OBC - Oriental Bank of Commerce.

UBI - United Bank of America.

SBBJ - State Bank Of Bikaner and Jaipur.

SBT - State Bank Of Travancore.

SBP - State Bank of Patiala.

SBH - State Bank of Hyderabad.

SBM - State Bank of Mysore.