Monday, September 14, 2020

Certificate iv in Training and Assessment

Certificate IV in Training and Assessment

This certification is required by Australian institutes in case you want to provide training/teaching to the students.

I am doing it through TAFE and writing here for the ease of other people. 
TAFE provided full support to achieve this as I was to start as casual part time teacher at TAFE NSW. The pay rate they are committing is pretty good. The course can be finished in year but I am heading to finish it asap.

There are other institutes too who offer this course but I got this as scholarship at no price.

There are four units in total and in total 20 assignments.

Unit 1 and 2
Unit 3
unit 4

Details about Unit 1:

TAFEDES401 — Design and Develop learning programs

  1. Introduction to Design
  2. Consultation
  3. Purpose of training and assessment
  4. Characteristics of learner groups
  5. Training Packages
  6. Analysis units of competency
  7. Training package developers
  8. Australian Qualificaions Framework
  9. VET Standards
  10. Accrediated Courses
  11. Organisational Standards
  12. Assessment Check-in
  13. Contextualising
  14. Dimensions of Competency
  15. LLN Requirements
  16. Instructional Design Principles and methodologies
  17. Delivery methods
  18. Research existing resources
  19. Developing new activities
  20. Assessment Strategies
  21. Learning Programs
  22. Work, Health and Safety
Governing Bodies:

SSO -Skills Services Organisations

SSO are funded by Australian government to support IRCs. SSOs act as independent, professional service organisations and undertake the training package related work commissioned by the AISC, under direction of the relevant IRC. SSO support IRCs in their engagement with industry/employers/ enterprises and other stakeholders to identify the skills required for jobs, and drive the training package development and review process so that skills standards and competencies align with modern work-practices. SSOs develop compliant training packages that are relevant to a modern Australian economy, are embraced by industry and maximise the potential for individuals to access employment.

ASQA — Australian Skills Quality Authority

ASQA is responsible for protecting the quality and reputation of the Australian vocational education and training (VET) sector. The body has the responsibility for the registration of training providers and accreditation of courses to ensure nationally approved standards are met. They regulate around 90% of the AUs VET providers which are called RTOs. In addition to this, the body also regulates ELICOS and CRICOS which are designed for international students. However, ASQA doesn’t set regulatory standards and frameworks.

Additional reference I have collected :

AISC — Australian Industry and Skills Committee

As mentioned, ASQA doesn’t set the regulatory standards and frameworks. So Australian Parliament approves the legislation to be used by regulators. Hence, AISC has the authority to approve all VET standards through training packages development. Membership of AISC is comprised of members from industry from all States, Territories, and New Zealand. The AISC recommends national training package products to the Skills Council (COAG CISC) for endorsement.